There are all kinds of fun achievements like this that you can spend hour after hour enjoying and repeating, constantly, even if you never actually play the game at all! That's the sheer beauty and joy of achievements! Know what I mean, Imojean? Dig? My favorite achievement is the 'If this guy makes one more stupid crack about achievements I will vomit in my lap' achievement. Dig? Or the 'I ate all the dogs in the game' achievement, or the 'I swam on the backs of four sharks before being eaten by one' achievement, or the 'I sat in a pool of blood for 88 hours of game time' achievement, etc.
You know, stuff like the 'I killed everything moving in the game and then I killed myself' achievement. All they are is little metrics for various things that the developers allow you to tally-things which often are bizarre and have nothing whatever to do with the game itself! It's all to enable a sort of 'my achievements are bigger/better than your achievements' kind of 'gentlemen's competition, ladies included' as you play the game-you can compare achievements with your friends or even set out to do them yourself, if you want. ) Achievements are add-ons for games-they are like 'afterthoughts', in a way, because they are only created after the game is completed and finalized.